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How to Keep Children Entertained on a Bus Trip

How to Keep Children Entertained on a Bus Trip

Planning a long road trip, whether it’s to visit family, friends or go to amazing destinations, lets you spend time away from the daily responsibilities of life. Even after you’ve chosen where you and your children will go and you decide to rent a charter bus, there’s still one thing that definitely needs planning — keeping your kids entertained while traveling.

Although many may overlook this time since it’s not the main point of the trip, traveling will make up a good portion of the time you’ll have together. This makes it all the more important to make the road trip as fun as everything else you’ll do. Learn a variety of tips for traveling with kids below.

Traveling by Charter Bus With Kids

Traveling on a charter bus is an exciting adventure in itself for adults and kids. Going on long road trips with children requires a bit more preparation beforehand and patience while you’re on the road. One thing you should take advantage of is the additional amenities on luxury charter buses, the extra storage space and opportunities for outings.

Choose a Charter Bus With Extra Amenities

Get a bus with a restroom on board so no one has to stress about finding the nearest rest area. If you’ve ever traveled with children, you know the patience needed to make extra stops for bathroom breaks. While having a restroom on the bus may seem like a little thing, it will reduce everyone’s stress.

Another amenity you should consider is Wi-Fi on the bus. Having Wi-Fi is particularly nice if you’re in an area with spotty service or want to avoid using all your data. Use the available internet to entertain yourself and your kids or research things to do on your trip, from places to eat to quick attractions to stop by.

Take Advantage of the Added Space

One of the wonderful things about traveling on a charter bus is the extra space available for luggage and other belongings. Unlike being in a minivan or another type of personal vehicle, charter buses are made to hold extra personal belongings. Use that space to its fullest by packing more than you think you’ll need for the trip, especially for the long drive.

Make an emergency bag for all those unexpected situations that are sure to happen when traveling with kids. Whether it’s a diaper leak, a can of soda spilled in someone’s lap or sticky fingers from candy, you’ll be prepared for it. In the bag, pack anything you think you’ll need, like:

  • An extra change of clothes for each child
  • Extra wipes
  • Extra diapers
  • Bandages and other first-aid items
  • Extra toys or games

Pack these items in carry-on luggage to have on the bus. Extras you won’t need for the ride can go in the luggage compartment, which you usually need to get off the bus to access.

Create Fun Outings Along the Way

Going on long road trips is a great way to bond with your children and other traveling companions. But there comes a time when children and adults just need to leave the confines of their seats and stretch. Instead of roaming around rest areas along busy freeways, plan exciting mini destinations as you progress toward your main destination.

Plan to do something that kids and adults will look forward to and enjoy. That will make it so the drive doesn’t seem quite as long and provide children the chance to get their excess energy out. Plan fun activities like:

  • Going on a hike
  • Stopping at a scenic location
  • Browsing through a gift shop
  • Spending some time at a public park

Those and other stops will give you and your children the needed time to use the restroom, see new sites and give each other some space before getting on the road again. Plan an itinerary and speak with your charter bus driver about potential stops to ensure your trip is well organized.

Tips for Traveling With Kids

Taking kids on long road trips can seem nerve-wracking for many adults who just hope their children behave. To make sitting in the charter bus enjoyable for everyone, here are some helpful tips for traveling with kids.

Avoid Having Hungry Children

One of the easiest ways to have a great road trip with children is to bring food. Sweet treats will brighten every child’s face, but be sure to dole out the sugar in moderation to avoid going from grumpy kids to hyper ones.

Not sure what snacks to pack? Before the trip, take your children to the store and have them pick out snacks to eat during the drive. To avoid fighting over food, divide the snacks into bags for each child. Remember to pack water or a juice box, as the kids are sure to get thirsty after munching on crackers and other snacks.

Keep Children Comfortable

Regardless of age, being uncomfortable because of the clothes you’re wearing or the way you’re sitting is never enjoyable. Keep kids comfortable by dressing them in layers. Temperatures in the charter bus fluctuate depending on where the sun is shining from, how high the air conditioning is and other factors. Layers let kids add or remove pieces of clothing throughout the day.

You should also bring pillows and blankets kids can easily access. They can cuddle up and take a nap whenever they want, giving you moments of peace on the trip and refueling their energy for your adventures ahead.

How to Entertain Kids on a Bus

How to Entertain Kids on a Bus

In this day and age, it’s become automatic for many parents to hand their child an electronic device to entertain them. It’s a great way to keep children preoccupied as they can watch movies, TV shows and play games. When you do give your child a tablet, iPad or iPhone, remember to give them headphones so the noise doesn’t disturb the driver or anyone else on the bus.

But you might be trying to cut down on your children’s screen time on this trip. Or your kids may get antsy after looking at their devices for a while. Here are some screen-free suggestions for road trip activities for kids to enjoy:

1. Encourage Your Children to Take in World Around Them

One great feature of a charter bus is the large windows that bring in sunlight and allow passengers to take in the beauty of the surrounding areas. When you’re entertaining kids on a long drive, rotate who gets to sit next to the window. This lets your children see the many new sites you’ll pass along the way.

Take this road trip activity a step further by giving kids an old-fashioned map — yes, they still make them! — to study as you go. This will teach them a useful skill and keep them entertained.

2. Keep a Travel Journal

Purchase a journal specialized for traveling or simply buy a composition notebook. Regardless of your child’s age, a travel journal is a fun activity they can do to keep their attention for hours. Teens and children alike can write about their favorite places they visited or fun memories from the trip. Younger children who can’t write can draw pictures to remember the road trip.

3. Entertain Kids With Activity Books

A tried-and-true method to keep children entertained on a bus trip is to give them activity books. Bring options like:

  • Coloring books
  • Sudoku puzzle books
  • Crossword puzzle books
  • Adult coloring pages
  • Mad Libs books

Pack a box of coloring pencils, markers, pens or crayons so kids can put the books to use and engage their creativity.

4. Bring Books to Read

Another classic activity that entertains kids on long drives is reading a book. Whether it’s a children’s book they can flip through themselves or a chapter book for the older kids, getting lost inside the pages of an adventure always makes time fly.

If you’d like to enjoy reading a book as a group, download several audiobooks to choose from when driving. You’ll have multiple ones in case you finish an audiobook and want to read more. Audiobooks are a great way to spend time together and participate in quiet activities like coloring or looking out the window.

5. Play Simple Road Trip Games

Some of the best road trip activities for kids are classic games, which require little to no supplies to play. Join your children in playing games like:

  • The ABC game: You can play this game a few different ways, depending on your children’s ages. A common way is to look at road signs and billboards. Starting with the letter A, challenge your children to find each letter of the alphabet in order along your trip. Assign a turn order so everyone has a chance to play.
  • I spy: This is a classic road trip game that’s especially easy at stops. Have one child say they spy something of a certain color and have the other passengers guess.
  • The license plate game: With this game, you and your family try to spot license plates from as many states as possible. Find printables or apps that can help you keep track, and tally up what you saw at the end of the trip.

You could also play simple games that only require a pen and paper, like tic-tac-toe or hangman.

Begin Your Charter Bus Journey With Executive Coach

Begin Your Charter Bus Journey With Executive Coach

Planning a road trip with your family or loved ones is almost as exciting as going on the vacation itself. Between planning the daily itinerary, the meal plans and compiling the activities to entertain children on a bus, there’s a lot to get done. Make an easy first step by renting a charter bus through Executive Coach, where we provide you with luxury buses that meet your needs and accommodate children of all ages. Contact us online, call (844) 924-8755 or request a quote!

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